Weather in South Tyrol
300 sunny days a year
General weather conditions today:
Humid and cold air masses.
Weather today:
At first it will be mostly sunny, but in the morning it will gradually become cloudy everywhere. In the course of the afternoon, light snowfall will set in from the Vinschgau Valley,
spreading to most of South Tyrol in the evening. Only a few snow flakes fall in the Unterland and Adige Valley.
temp. min.: | -3° |
temp. max.: | 3° |
It will remain cold with highs between -2° and 4°.
Mountain weather today:
Humid and cold air masses.
Temperature in 2,000m: | -8° |
Temperature in 3,000m: | -14° |
0° limit: | 900m |
Weather development
Mostly sunny. On Friday, it will clear up with a northerly wind and become quite sunny, with denser clouds in the north. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a few passing clouds. Sunday will see a mix of sunshine and high clouds. Monday will begin with low clouds in some areas, otherwise it will be very sunny.
Friday, 2024-11-22
temp. min.: | -10° |
temp. max.: | 5° |
Saturday, 2024-11-23
temp. min.: | -12° |
temp. max.: | 5° |
, 2024-11-24
temp. min.: | -11° |
temp. max.: | 6° |
Monday, 2024-11-25
temp. min.: | -7° |
temp. max.: | 7° |